The IRS continues to urge taxpayers to do a Paycheck Checkup as soon as possible to see if they’re having their employer withhold the right amount of tax. The IRS Withholding Calculator can help taxpayers check their current withholding, determine if they need to adjust it and avoid tax filing surprises next year.
During the week of June 10, the IRS is focusing on helping taxpayers understand what actions they should take now – especially if their taxes turned out differently than they expected this year, and even if they adjusted their withholding last year. If their withholding won’t be enough, they can adjust it or make estimated tax payments to the IRS. The next payment deadline is coming soon: June 17.
Fact sheets: Learn the basics of withholding and estimated tax payments. The fact sheets attached to this message in English and Spanish are available on the Tax Reform Resources page where they are also available in Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese and Russian.
FS-2019-4 - Tax withholding: How to get it right
FS-2019-6 - Basics of estimated taxes for individuals
Recorded webinar: View Understanding How to Do a Paycheck Checkup (60 min.) to see a step-by-step demo and hear a Q&A session.
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